Issue with breaker after servicing

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    I sent my breaker to another company to be serviced as it wasnt working properly. Its came back and its doing the same.

    It slows down after 20 mins please help.

    Paul Wilson

    Can you give us some more information regarding the hammer brand and model. Also the size and model of excavator its fitted too.


    Thanks for coming back to me so quickly!

    Here’s the info you asked for: Its a Monty 125 on a volvo 88. Its not the machine i have had volvo out.

    Thanks again!

    Paul Wilson

    You are correct it is the hammer at fault. The 125 requires very little return line pressure, Ie a 1′ return hose all the way back to tank.

    The Volvo has small hammer lines, possibly 1/2 inch in places. Basically the oil cannot get away from the hammer quick enough so the working pressure has greatly increased.

    The hammer then over heats and slows, sometimes to a complete stop. The hammer and machine are not compatible unless you do a 1′ return all the way into the tank. I have an out for these hammers should you wish to part X your hammer.

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